Synonym: arrest, backtrack, chase away, check, contain, dispel, double back, drive away, drive off, drive out, hold back, invert, regress, retrovert, return, reverse, revert, run off, stop. Similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to. Meaning: v. 1. retrace one's course 2. go back to a previous state 3. force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings 4. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of 5. turn inside out or upside down.
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91 John Russell Game Worn 1979 Turn Back Clock Pinstripe PiratesJerseyand Pants 100 % Authenticated by the MLB.
92 A good horse will not turn back to crop the old grass.
93 Not doing so you turn back into yourself, only to rediscover things you already know.
94 If we could turn back the clock, what would you do for them?
95 However, I would like to search for another opportunity rather than turn back the clock.
96 Tighter binding would cramp their ability to turn back to protection.
97 When you turn back to sun, you only see your own shadow.
98 We can't turn back the clock and undo past mistakes.
99 I watch Spook leave, then turn back to the crowd, still standing, glassy-eyed , and staring after him.
100 She was about to turn back when something about the bloated face struck her as fami - liar.
101 Benefits other people as well as the appreciation, must bounden ,[] be duty - bound not to turn back!
102 He wanted to go all the way to the Ganges River, but his army forced him to turn back.
103 Turn back and go in peace ; do nothing to displease the Philistine rulers.
104 The frightened sailors wanted to turn back, but their dauntless leader urged them to sail on.
105 'First point,'began Mr Smollett.'We must go on, because we can't turn back.
106 When lividity is not set, pressing into the skin with a finger will turn the skin a white color, and then it will turn back.
107 The Prince Regent himself attempted to move to another of his official residences, but was forced to turn back.
108 One would turn back to this system to prevent the invasion of socialism.
109 Conclusions:Jiangu granula could turn back the change of higher BGP of rat models which made by ovariectomy, reduce the high turn over in bone, and increase the BMD.
110 Kratos: Turn back to Olympus beast! I must face Zeus! You defy the god of war?
111 Years later, I Suddenly turn back, dreamily, I see multicoloured falling petals . The flying whiteness tells the innocence and immaculacy of our youth, and writes our initial glory and brilliance .
112 Please turn back to page 3 and start again from there.
113 NIV My enemies turn back; they stumble and perish before you.
114 You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
115 Next day I talked with Larry on their relationship, but he gave me a double talk to suggest thatthat girl friend would never turn back.
116 Would you reach out for tomorrow, or try to turn back time?
More similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to, turn off, turn up, in turn, return, turn in, hold back, set back, pay back, cut back, call back, back away, turn down, turn away, go back on, give back, look back, backyard, draw back, keep back, feedback, go back to, turn over.